Ideal Protein is a doctor-designed, Ketogenic Weight Loss Protocol that treats weight loss as healthcare and uses food as medicine to empower you to lose weight and live your best, healthiest life for the rest of your life. Expert guidance from your very own personal coach keeps you motivated. While the huge variety of delicious Ideal Protein food and tons of other fresh, lean, healthy meals and snacks you get to choose from keep you satisfied on your journey to your new healthy weight and beyond. Take your health back today.
Phase 1--Weight Loss
By restricting carbohydrate intake, the Weight Loss Phase is designed to optimize FAT LOSS through ketosis (a safe and natural state in which the body mobilizes stored fat as its alternative energy source). You’ll remain in Phase 1 until you have reached your weight loss goal.
Phase 2--Stabilization:
Reset MIND to MAINTAIN a HEALTHY WEIGHT and build HEALTHY HABITS. Following weight loss, the body fights to regain lost weight. This “energy gap”, where more calories are desired than required, makes weight loss difficult to manage and maintain. Stabilization is about narrowing this gap by adjusting the intake of protein/fat/carbs to effectively manage hunger, promote greater satiety and maintain weight loss. Weekly follow-up sessions over the course of two months or more are designed to monitor carbohydrate reintroduction and track weight.
Phase 3--Maintenance:
Reset POSSIBLE and live your FULLEST, HEALTHIEST, BEST LIFE yet. For the first 12 months following Stabilization, you will continue to receive education and support from your coach and clinic. It’s also recommended to “check in” regularly with your coach during this period. In addition, you will also have the option to stay connected to your coach and clinic through the app and Wi-Fi scale. For all of those in Maintenance, two semi-annual “tune-ups” are strongly encouraged.
InBody Scanner 570
Advanced Body Composistion Technology
Weekly scans included with membership
Easy and non-invasive
body composition tests
in less than 60 seconds.
Measure fat, muscle,
and water levels with the segmental lean and fat analyses.
Analyze your basal metabolic rate to learn your specific daily caloric intake and meal plan needed.